In the rapidly evolving world of FinOps, artificial intelligence has played an increasingly crucial role. From monitoring AI costs to generating accurate savings recommendations and providing conversational interfaces for cloud cost inquiries, AI has become an indispensable tool for FinOps teams. However, is taking this a step further, ushering in a new era of AI capabilities that promises to revolutionize how FinOps professionals interact with and optimize their cloud environments.

Beyond Traditional AI in FinOps

Traditionally, AI in FinOps has focused on four main areas:

  1. Monitoring AI costs as part of overall cost management strategies
  2. Generating accurate cost-saving recommendations, such as commitment forecasts
  3. Providing natural language interfaces for cloud cost inquiries
  4. Offering guidance through AI-powered assistants (like GPT or Claude) to answer questions about FinOps best practices and procedures

While these applications have undoubtedly improved FinOps processes, they’ve primarily focused on analysis, reporting, and advisory functions. FinOps professionals could ask AI assistants questions like “How do I optimize my EC2 instances?” or “What should I check to reduce my S3 storage costs?” and receive informative responses. However, implementing the suggestions often still requires a lot of time and becomes almost impossible in large cloud environments.‘s latest innovation takes AI in FinOps to a whole new level: automation.

Introducing AI-Powered FinOps Workflow Generation

In a groundbreaking development for the FinOps industry, a new AI-powered feature is transforming how teams interact with cloud environments and third-party tools. This innovative capability allows non-technical users to create complex, multi-step automations using nothing more than natural language prompts, representing a significant shift in FinOps workflow management.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Natural Language Input: Users describe their desired automation in any language they’re comfortable with.
  2. AI Interpretation: The AI engine interprets the request and generates a complete workflow, leveraging vast amounts of data and industry best practices.
  3. Comprehensive Integration: The generated workflow can interact with various systems, including:
    • Major cloud providers’ APIs and Billing Reports
    • Third-party tools like Jira, Slack, GitHub, and Microsoft Teams
  4. User-Friendly Review: Users can easily review, adjust, and implement the generated workflow without requiring engineering skills.

A Game-Changer for FinOps

This technology stands out as the first to offer such advanced automated workflow creation specifically tailored for the FinOps domain. It empowers FinOps teams to:

  • Build customized automations with seamless third-party integration
  • Create sophisticated, multi-system workflows without coding skills
  • Span multiple systems and data sources effortlessly

For the first time, even non-technical users can develop complex, custom workflows that would traditionally demand significant technical expertise and time investment. This innovation promises to streamline operations, reduce bottlenecks, and allow FinOps teams to focus on strategic decision-making rather than technical implementation.

The FinOps AI Revolution Introduces Natural Language Workflow Automation

Real-World Example: S3 Bucket Lifecycle Policy Automation

To illustrate the power of this new feature, let’s consider a common FinOps task: optimizing S3 storage costs by implementing lifecycle policies.

A user could simply write a prompt like this:

“Get all S3 buckets, check if they have lifecycle policies that delete incomplete multipart uploads, add the policy if missing, and send a summary report with the buckets that lacked the policy.”‘s AI engine would then create a workflow that:

  1. Retrieves a list of all S3 buckets
  2. Checks each bucket for the specified lifecycle polic
  3. Adds the policy to buckets where it’s missing
  4. Generates and sends a summary email

This example demonstrates how can create complex, multi-step workflows that integrate data from various sources, all from a single natural language prompt. The user doesn’t need to write a single line of code or have in-depth knowledge of the APIs or systems involved.

The FinOps AI Revolution Introduces Natural Language Workflow Automation

Advanced Capabilities: Seamless Integration and Customization‘s system goes beyond simple automations. Users can leverage Wiv’s data store feature to incorporate existing data into their workflows and connect to third-party tools with ease. This allows for the creation of comprehensive automations that span multiple systems and data sources, all tailored to your specific needs and processes.

The AI-driven system understands the context of your request and can suggest best practices or additional steps that might be beneficial. For instance, it might suggest setting up alerts for when new buckets are created without the required lifecycle policies in real time, based on CloudTrail or SNS events.

The FinOps AI Revolution‘s natural language workflow generation represents a significant leap forward in FinOps tooling. It empowers team members without deep technical expertise to create sophisticated automations, bridging the gap between financial operations and cloud engineering.

This innovation promises to:

  • Accelerate cost optimization initiatives
  • Reduce the need for specialized engineering resources
  • Enable more agile and responsive FinOps practices
  • Democratize cloud management across organizations

By allowing FinOps professionals to focus on strategy rather than implementation details, is paving the way for more efficient, effective, and innovative cloud financial management. The ability to create custom, integrated workflows without coding skills opens up new possibilities for optimization and automation across the entire FinOps lifecycle.

Join the FinOps AI revolution with and experience the future of cloud cost optimization today. Whether you’re just starting your FinOps journey or looking to take your practices to the next level,‘s intuitive, powerful platform is ready to help you build the perfect automations for your needs – no coding required.

This groundbreaking capability is setting a new standard in the FinOps space, empowering teams to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and control over their cloud environments.

Read more about FinOps Automation